RAVE Bongo Bouncers

The Bongo is a lightweight and portable water bounce platform that is quick and easy to set-up and the commercial grade reinforced construction provides years of fun! Bongos do not have springs because the bounce surface connects directly to the inflatable tube. Turn your Bongo Bouncer into a Bongo Park by adding the Aqua Launch, Aqua Slide, and Aqua Log!

Le Bongo est une plate-forme légère et portable qui rebondit facilement, qui est facile a installer, et dont la construction renforcée de qualité commerciale procure des années de plaisir!

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Bongo 10

  • Item code: 02011
  • Dimensions: 10′ x 26″
  • Capacity: 1 adult or 2 children
  • Min. water depth: 10′ (3m)

Bongo 13

  • Item code: 02236
  • Dimensions: 12.6′ x 26″
  • Capacity: 2 adults or 4 children
  • Min. water depth: 10′ (3m)

Bongo 15

  • Item code: 02012
  • Dimensions: 15′ x 36″
  • Capacity: 3 adults or 6 children
  • Min. water depth: 10′ (3m)

Bongo 20

  • Item code: 02020
  • Dimensions: 19′ x 36″
  • Capacity: 5 adults or 10 children
  • Min. water depth: 10′ (3m)

Click here for the owners manual for RAVE Bongos

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Bongo 10, Bongo 13, Bongo 15, Bongo 20

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